Free Download Antidot for Windows. In a single operation, the antidote concealer signals a wide variety of errors, from capitalization and verb agreement to commas and unwanted dismissals. ! Powerful instruments. Simple to use. All the tools you need to improve your writing. Antidote is a unique platform, with more resources, of course it will be useful for anyone writing in English. The antidote concealer signals various errors in a single operation, from capitalization and verb agreement to unwanted comma and redundancies. After spelling and grammar, it corrects the typography and style, including repetitions and boring verbs. Never a piece of software has given you such power to improve your writing.
says goodbye to missing typos and attachments. Anti-oops! Works with all major E -Email applications on Windows and Mac. Acting as a safety net, analyzes each message before sending it, allowing you to remedy any supervision before it is too late.
The new edition of the full writing assistance software has impressive improvements, which make it easier to keep your writing healthy. Here are the main new features, followed by a detailed list.
Antidote features
- Bold and Italic is displayed in the corrector text window Li>
- Correction orders are available directly from tool tool
- new replacement command (with a suggestion)
- More precise analysis
- Bold and ital types, considered in the analysis
- Emoticons (including Unicode) made in analysis
- The new gender neutral filter < /Li>
- New Lizibility Filter
- Five Lizibilization indices, including the new antidote index
- 117,000 new Synonyms (French: 10,000 new synonyms)
- Sort by relevance, frequency or length
- 26,000 new combinations (French: 28,000 new combinations)
- 8.000 of new words and expressions (French: 1,000 words and expressions)
- Notes on 5,000 new difficulties (French: 800 new difficulties)
- Distance settings for surnames with particles
- Distance settings for initial names
Technical Details and system requirements
- operating system: Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 11 (64 bits)
- RAM: 4 GB memory
- Processor: x86–64/amd64, 1 GHz
- Disk space: 6 GB (1 language); 7.5 GB (2 languages); SSD Drive
Antidote 12 V1.1.1 Download and run
Download Antidote 12 V1.1.1 FREE VERSION FREE 2025
Download Antidote 12 V1.1.1 Full version for Windows
Antidote 12 V1.1.1 Download free for all Windows
Download Antidote 12 V1.1.1 FREE version